Certainly feels like summer's here.
As usual Sergei carried his camera. And, as is becoming more usual, Marge carried her cell phone/camera. Sergei's camera is far better quality than anyone's cell phone but Marge finds that the flexibility of having her own camera allows her to point and shoot at will. (Marge does have a small Nikon but, frankly, she finds it a pain to find, carry, keep charged, etc and the picture quality, while better than the cell phone, isn't that much better. (A bad worker often blames her tools, eh!) Here's Marge's question: why manufacture cell phones with cameras that offer crappy resolution of 75 at 25 x 25 inches? Why not offer resolution of, say, 180 at 8 x 8 inches? After all, small pix with high resolution use about the same file size/memory and large pix with low resolution. Maybe, as it the case with so many consumer goods, there's a pact between the cell phone and camera manufacturers not to mess with one anothers' markets?)
Alas Marge digresses.
So there they were, Marge and Sergei, rambling along Crown Beach shoreline.
The tide was way out so rocks and shoreline that the tide would normally cover at higher low tides were exposed.
Marge was struck by the quality, quantity and, yes, sheer diversity of sea weed.
She shot these pix in an attempt to capture that quality and diversity. Too bad the quality of the camera flattened and washed out the seaweed-y colors - as well as the texture of the plants that, in real life, shows the action of the receding water over the seaweed.
Astonishing in real time.

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