The mom pictured here had 17 young'uns under her wing. Sergei snapped this shot as he and Marge strolled around the pond at Crown Beach.
The pic below shows the sentinels looking out for the large family.
As Sergei snapped that family another set of parents brought their goose family to the pond too.
This one is a smaller family, just 3 goslings, but, think of it: two Canada Goose pairs created, between them, 20 goslings!
If the first mom finds herself overwhelmed with gosling-care, the second mom can, y'know, help out.
At this rate, imagine how many goslings there'll be pecking and paddling around the beach in a few more weeks. (Be sure that Sergei will follow and report on their progress with his trusty camera.)
More goose news
Update for readers who followed last summer's saga of the Canada Goose with the injured leg: Good news! (New to the saga? Get caught up with Ramble 17: Duck, duck, goose.)
Marge noticed that, when the 2013 summer's soft- /baseball season opened, the injured goose had to share her territory - the outfield at Washington Park along Central Ave., with assorted batches of similarly dressed and disparately coordinated players applying bats to wildly unpredictable balls.
Rather than contemplate the most dire reason for the goose's disappearance - she'd succumbed to her injury and died - Marge mulled over an assortment of other possibilities including 1) her leg had healed and she was doing what other geese of her generation and evolutionary imperative were doing - laying or hatching eggs or frolicking with her brood in the pond or... 2) as any other self-respecting goose who'd rather abandon contested territory than insist on staying (and risk a kid's bad aim breaking her other leg...or a wing...or another body part) she'd moved to a spot more conducive to feeding while sitting on her belly.
Today, after their ramble to the Little Library to return and borrow more books (See Ramble 2: Little Free Library...), Sergei and Marge rambled along the 8th Street border of Washington Park...and there she was...
Sergei took her picture - the first of 2013.
Doesn't she look... terrific...for a goose that has had to adjust to the vagaries of fate?
Marge suggests her theme song is "I will survive":
...At first I was afraid I was petrified.
...Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side....
Listen to Gloria Gaynor's version.
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