This Ramble reverts to a more ...relaxed view that focuses on Marge and Sergei's other interest: tracking the Gosling Collective. (See Ramble 24 and Ramble 27 for earlier trackings).
Here's the next entry in the saga of Gosling Growings and Goings-on.
What Marge most loves about the Gosling Guardians is their attitude of calm watchfulness. It results in goslings that are calm and relaxed too. Looks as if this attitude pays off as there are still 28 young 'uns...which means the birds of prey have not feasted on members of this collective. (Notice the long legs on some of the older (teenage?) goslings...)
Sunset stroll on the lawn near Crab Cove...

heading back toward the pond...
then into the water....
... and they're off!
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