The traditional way of breaking into a banana is to puncture the stem-side of the fruit then peel it back. But, this is so awkward when all one wants on the ride home from the grocery store is a quick banana snack (all that goodness: vitamin B6 and vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese; yum!).
The fruit often ends up squished or, if one tends not to walk around with a pocketknife ready to lop off the occasional banana stem, one has to resort to biting through the skin to start the peel; doesn't that chalky taste impair one's banana pleasure?
When Marge met Holly she notice Holly holding and eating her banana upside-down.
"Well, that's a logical way of peeling and eating a banana! Where did you learn that?"
"This is the way monkeys eat bananas. I figured, who better to demonstrate the correct way to eat a banana than a monkey. After all, when did you last see a monkey carrying around a pocketknife? Since 'monkey see, monkey do', I tried it. " Holly laughed, "It's easy to break into that end of the fruit and peel it. The stem acts as a natural handle. You don't get all that gooey banana left on your fingers either."
And there you have it.
Here it is illustrated.
Even Sergei, who doesn't much like bananas, concedes this is a miracle of simplicity and elegance.
Then he said, "That reminds me, Marge, How do monkeys get down the stairs?
"Don't know, Sergei. How?"
They slide down the banana-ster!"
Then he started on a roll of banana-and-monkey-isms.
"Hey, Marge, what kind of a key opens a banana?
A monkey
Why did the monkey like the banana?
Because it had appeal!
What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
Anything you want, it can't hear you!
What did the monkey say when he cut off his tail?
It won't be long now.
Where should a monkey go when he loses his tail?
To a retailer!
Why don't monkeys play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs there!
How do you catch a monkey?
Climb a tree and act like a banana!
That Sergei. Once you start him up he just keeps chugging!
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