While on her rambles she seldom runs into any of the gardeners cultivating their patch of dirt, the community garden (seen here as Sergei captured this large - artificial - sunflower during the brief warm days of early spring in February) exudes care and calm enjoyment.
The garden fits in among patches of concrete (Marge guesses that, in the past, this deck had something to do with hosting the tennis players from the still-used courts next door.
From this angle in the photo, most of the community garden spaces are in the background.
Right now there are signs of early cultivation among the kale, parsley, and other winter crops. Amazingly, a few roses blossom (seen here in the middle ground). Jonquils and narcissus and
During the summer, live-aboard boaters grow tomatoes, squash, all sorts of herbs, flowers, whatever strikes their fancy.
There's also a spot to sit in the sun or in the shade under the trees and listen to birds, bees, and the sounds of boats.
If you're thinking of going - here's a photo looking west towards the community garden. Walk towards Ballena Island and you'll find it.
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